Peripheral Nerve Stimulator (PNS)


A peripheral nerve stimulator is a device used to exert pulsed electrical signals to the nerves to
control chronic pain. An implantable system delivers electrical pulses via a lead to nerves. Pain
signals are inhibited before they reach the brain and replaced with a paresthesia that covers the
specific areas where the pain was felt.

PNS procedure involves a trial period of 4-5 days, placement of electrodes in the subcutaneous
tissue, above the nerve in question. These are done in the office as an outpatient procedure. After
this, the patient will have a generator to control the stimulation, giving this procedure the
uniqueness that no other medical intervention has.

Giving you the control, to “test drive” the device before having it done, making you “your own doctor” in deciding if the product is going or not to work. If the results are satisfactory in the trial period, the leads are removed in the office and the implantation is done as an outpatient procedure in the operating room. Usually is a one-hour procedure. Dr. Sergio Lenchig has recently published his technique for a minimal
incision insertion of the stimulator, and due to the lower risk of facial nerve injury, and more
minimally invasive technique, he is currently training other pain physicians that are interested in
performing his technique.

Please feel free to review his publication: (Este es un articulo que escribio el doctor)
Pain Physician Journal
September-October 2012 – Vol 15 Issue 5
A Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Trigeminal
Neuropathic Pain with Peripheral Nerve Stimulation.
Sergio Lenchig, MD, Jackson Cohen, MD, and Dennis Patin, MD